Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Why are women attracted to the worst men?

Ever wonder why beautiful, intelligent and seemly reasonable women are attracted to men that have heartbreak written all over them. Like Jennifer Aniston’s character in the new movie Loves Happens, always dating men with “expiration dates.”

A new book by South Florida author sheds light on this phenomenon of women attracted to unavailable men. Dawn Maslar M.S. says she has the key to healing painful relationship patterns in her new book The Broken Picker Fixer From heartbreak to Soulmate: Finding the Love You Desire in 12 Weeks or Less.

Dawn explains that many women have a “broken picker.” A broken picker is an attraction to men that are not right from them. Robin Norwood described this attraction in her classic book Women Who Love Too Much. She states “many women become obsessed with the wrong men - men who are emotionally unavailable, addicted to work, alcohol, or other women – men who cannot love them back.”

The book was created as a result of the author’s personal experiences. After many years of struggling with on-again off-again relationships, Dawn found herself at an emotional bottom. She had to come to grips with her own broken GPS (Guy Picking System). She learned that an attraction to men who treated you badly or are not emotionally available is an indication that a part of you needs to be healed. That no amount of changing your outside circumstances such as behaving differently, dressing differently, or picking different men was going to fix a broken picker. What was needed was an inside change.

He unique insists have created a fresh new approach to an age old problem. This is a must read for any women struggling with relationships.

The book is currently available on-line at Amazon books or at

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Start of a Very Exciting Week

This promises to be a very exciting week. The book is currently at the typesetters, who thinks she can have it done soon. We are attempting to get a quick short quick run of 100 books in time for book signing in Jacksonville at the end of the month.

The Broken Picker Song has been recorded (thank you Wes and Ashley) just in time for the music video shooting Thursday, July 16th. The Youtube video taping will begin at 6pm at Luke's on University Drive in Davie. Everyone is welcome to stop by the taping. In particular, we need bad boys and people who are not afraid to be outgoing and have fun!

We are also working on the website, which will offer free audio downloads and worksheets. Or, you can purchase a companion workbook.

The week ends with my brithday on Friday...see what I mean...promises to be a very exciting week.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Hey Guys, Have Your Picture on the Cover of a Book

I need a few good men! (Don’t we all?) Have your picture on the cover of my new book The Broken Picker Fixer! It’s easy and fun, just have someone take your picture and email it in to me. It’s that simple. The best pictures will be used on the cover! How cool would that be?

I need full body shots with your arms at you side. Since the book is about broken pickers, I need a few good examples and your best example of a bad example (If you know what I mean?) Do you look like a tough guy?...send me your picture. Are you a great example of a knight in shining armor?...send me your picture. Would you simply like your picture on the cover of a book?...send me your picture.

Send digital pictures before 4/27/09 to

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Broken pickers love cookie monsters?

We just love the cookie monster because he is so sweet and yummy; we could just eat him up. We look at him the same way we stare at a bakery window, wanting and salivating, imaging what it would be like when we get our little cookie home. Just like a real cookie, he is delicious and satisfying for the moment, but is not very good for us in the long run. The problem with the cookie monster is that he doesn’t reciprocate. He’s love’s equivalent to empty calories.
We adore the cookie monster so much; we can’t believe he’s just throwing us saccharine little crumbs. So we make excuses for him, “oh he’s so sweet,” or “poor thing, he’s just sacred.” Our girlfriends tell us to give him time. We fear if we push him to much he’ll crumble. So we wait and hope, taking whatever little morsel he decides to meter out to us.
Sometimes we say enough is enough. We may decide we deserve more or we are going to get healthy. We may even declare that we are going to stop our cookie consumption and find a more nourishing diet. But, the allure of the cookie is difficult release. When we try to leave we go through a type of sugar withdrawal. The obsessive thoughts begin. We forget how unhealthy it is and just remember how warm and sweet and scrumptious it was. The obsessive craving draws us back. The next thing we know we are on another wild cookie spree.
After a bad cookie binge we end up feeling fat, stupid and ashamed of our behavior. We walk away feeling bewilder because he looked so good, seemed so sweet how would we ever know he would be so bad for us. The cookie monster can be the most painful of all. He can do a number on our minds, bodies and souls.
So why are we so attracted to cookie monsters? New York bestselling author Janet Woititz explains in book The Intimacy Struggle, “when we grow up and look for our own partner, on some level we are attracted to people who remind us of the people who raised us. Because our sense of abandonment and disconnectedness experienced in our family of origin teaches us as children to be quiet, alone, needless, and wantless – so as not to bother our parents – we are later unconsciously attracted to people who don’t try to attach to us very much. You are grateful when the person throws you a crumb, but get bored quickly with the one who is available all the time.”

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

10 questions to find out if your picker is broken.

What does having a broken picker mean? Having a broken picker means that you attract the wrong men like black pants attract dog hair. In other words, you probably don’t have a broken picker is you are always attracting husband material. However, you definitely have a broken picker if you are constantly attracting someone else’s husband. If you a bad boy lover, look at the following 10 questions to see if you have a broken picker, or maybe just a little bad luck?

1.You might have a broken picker if: You find out the man you just started dating is going to prison.
You definitely have a broken picker if: You look at the calendar and start calculating how long until his release so you can pick him up.

2.You might have a broken picker if: You go to a business function full of eligible professional men but find yourself wildly attracted to the hunky bartender.
You definitely have a broken picker if: You skip out of your business function and run off with the bartender.

3.You might have a broken picker if: If you ever dated a man on probation.
You definitely have a broken picker if: The date was at his place, because he was on house arrest.

4.You might have a broken picker if: If the man you just sleep with didn’t call you.
You definitely have a broken picker if: This was the fifth time.

5.You might have a broken picker if: You find yourself attracted to a man on work release.
You definitely have a broken picker if: You date him anyway, rationalizing “that hey at least he has a job…right?”

6.You might have a broken picker if: You meet a man who has different tattoos of all his ex-girlfriends
You definitely have a broken picker if: You look at them trying to figure out where he could put yours.

7.You might have a broken picker if: The man you recently started dating calls to say he can’t make the date, because his bike just got repossessed.
You definitely have a broken picker if: If you say, “That’s OK, I’ll drive.”

8.You might have a broken picker if: If you ever went by a chain gang on the side of the road and thought, ‘wow, that one is cute!”
You definitely have a broken picker if: You drove back around to write down the number on his back.

9.You might have a broken picker if: The man you had a crush on marries someone else.
You definitely have a broken picker if: He calls six months later and asks you to meet him…and you go.

10.Finally, you might have a broken picker if: You read these and laughed.
You definitely have a broken picker if: You didn’t.